Henry at 3 months:
You started this month weighing 13 pounds 12 ounces....and now are about 15 pounds.
You eat 4-6 ounces every 3 hours.
You sleep 10-12 hours a night.
You are drooling a whole lot and chewing on our fingers...but we see no teeth.
You love for us to lay you on your back and talk to you.
You smile at us ALL the time (which we can't get enough o
You laugh at us.
You have a fake cough...you do it when momma coughs and says oh I gotta bad cough..it's too funny!!
You area momma's boy, if someone comes to visit...you watch me the whole time to make sure I'm not leaving. (January 2 is going to be hard on both of us )
You will not sleep if we are at someone's house visiting...you will just cry to fight your sleep....which you NEVER cry at home!!
You love to be out and about because you are sooooo nosey!!
You are the best baby ever, and as I tell you every night "I love you to the moon and back!"